SELPA Local Plan

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 20 United States Code (20 USC) Section 1400 et seq. and related federal regulations, require each special education local plan area (SELPA) to ensure a continuum of program options are available to meet the needs of students with disabilities for special education and related services.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has established guidelines for the coordinated development and submission Local Plan components—Section A: Contacts and Certifications, Section B: Governance and Administration, Section D: Annual Budget Plan, Section E: Annual Service Plan, and required Attachments I–VII. Regional SELPAs ensure access to special education and services for all students with disabilities residing within the geographic areas served by each plan.
The Superintendents' Coordinating Council holds a public hearing each year to approve the Annual Services and Budget Plans. The entire Local Plan is reviewed and approved by the SCC every three years.
2024–25 Approved Local Plan for the Sacramento County SELPA
Local Plan Narrative - A reader friendly summary of the Local Plan
Section A: Contacts and Certifications

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