Alternative Dispute Resolution Resources
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provides parents and school districts an alternative means of resolving disagreements and disputes that may arise. We have had a very strong success rate of preventing conflicts from going to due process hearings at the state level. The intent of this program is to maintain positive relationships between the student’s family, and efficiently use both human and fiscal resources to support students in our SELPA and the school, as well as to save money for both parties.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) allows the parties in conflict to control and shape their own agreement. Collaborative working relationships between parents and district personnel are not only maintained, but often improved.
The Sacramento County ADR program includes:
Training for parents and educators on effective communication and collaboration skills
IEP meeting facilitation
Assisting with Resolution Session meetings prior to a due process hearing
Conducting informal mediation sessions
Sacramento County SELPA ADR family resource manual (coming soon)
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